Not In The Grave

Image by blauthbianca

You don’t need to keep questioning yourself. You’ve seen enough.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.

Maya Angelou

This is the hundredth, thousandth time. You need not question yourself anymore. Enough is enough.

There is nothing, nothing, nothing in this world worth this clarity. It is worth way more than any money, any inheritance, any crumbs of belonging or acceptance.

This is the real inheritance. The real inheritance your father left you is not the money. It’s the gift of his death. The gift of his experience with death and experience in life. His true gift. True Love. Honor that. Bow to that.

It doesn’t matter what they’re all doing. It doesn’t matter. Look at who you’re looking to for guidance. Look. Don’t forget what you saw at the hour of death, at the lead up to death. Don’t forget. Clear as day.

You’re on your own path now. And it may be lonesome at times. But this is it. You can’t argue with your Heart. You just can’t. You feel peace, don’t you? You feel love. You feel your Heart widen with rest. With reassurance. You feel him here. You don’t need to go anywhere or do anything.

Not like this. Not with these lost souls. Bless them. They’re on their own now.

Rest here. Rest here.

There’s nothing to get. Nothing to do. Nothing to run around for anymore. What a gift. What a blessing. The simplicity. The rest. The real belonging.

It may seem like they are the ones dealing with what’s “real”. The paperwork, the bank, the official this and official that. How real was all this when he died? How real was it? What significance did it have, if any?

So, what’s real here… What’s true?

Stay with that. And trust that. Rely on that.

It may seem naive, simple-minded. Too little even.

But it is everything. It’s everything.

This is where Dad is. Not in the grave, not at the burial site, not in the paperwork, not in the inheritance.

Here. Right fucking here.


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